The OECD Forum brings together high-level government representatives, from OECD member countries and key partners, with stakeholders from civil society, business, trade unions, philanthropy, academia and media to discuss world…
News - 9 January 2019
The Rockefeller Brothers Fund President has penned an open letter on division, diversity and democracy in the US.
The President of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Stephen Heintz has penned an open letter on division, diversity and democracy in the USA. The letter, published in the …
News - 12 December 2018
Fondation Chanel launch a call for proposals looking to ”Advance women’s and girls’ independence and empowerment”
Fondation Chanel have launched a call for proposals for projects that aim to “Advance women’s and girls’ independence and empowerment” in Belgium, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands and…
News - 19 October 2018
Empowered girls, empowered futures” – It is not a dream!
At the Aydın Dogan Foundation we have been working on the education and empowerment of girls for more than 15 years now. The UN’s declaration of October 11th as…
News - 25 September 2017
Stand with us!: activists call funders to action
In communities globally, feminist groups led by women, girls, and trans and intersex[1] people are collectively organising to make the world more peaceful, democratic and fair. At the same…
News - 4 September 2017
Recognition, Solidarity, Hope: Helping marginalised women participate more fully in society
Two years ago, I sat with some young women in a programme the Aga Khan Foundation runs in Uttar Pradesh. They held hands or leaned on each other. Some had…
News - 15 June 2017
10 tech issues that will impact social justice in 2017
his post originally appeared on the excellent Ford Foundation Equals Change blog earlier this year. In our increasingly complex and interconnected world, innovations in technology and data are…
News - 15 November 2016
Championing Philanthropy
”Championing Philanthropy” came to Philanthropy House from 15 November 2016 to 15 March 2017, bringing to life a wide range of projects devised and carried out by members of…
News - 21 June 2016
Football Fitness gets more people moving
Increasing the number of physically active adults in Denmark Nordea-fonden is a Danish commercial foundation that allocates funds from its returns and capital to support non-profit, public and charitable purposes.
News - 21 March 2016
On Galicia’s Way of St. James: A Formula for Development via Technology Transfer
This post originally appeared on the Huffington Post on 8 March 2016 Galicia is a peripheral region in the north-west of Spain, a coastal area and the destination…