Civil Society under threat: why protecting and growing civil society globally is vital
This post originally appeared on the Barrow Cadbury Trust website The Barrow Cadbury Trust was set up by husband and wife, Barrow and Geraldine…
Stand with us!: activists call funders to action
In communities globally, feminist groups led by women, girls, and trans and intersex[1] people are collectively organising to make the world more peaceful, democratic and fair. At the same…
Recognition, Solidarity, Hope: Helping marginalised women participate more fully in society
Two years ago, I sat with some young women in a programme the Aga Khan Foundation runs in Uttar Pradesh. They held hands or leaned on each other. Some had…
Open Dialogue and the Future of Philanthropy
How Open Dialogue among politicians can help Europe move beyond crisis and why the philanthropic sector should invest more in conversation spaces Caspar Kolster, Mercator European Dialogue Programme Assistant &…
In the eye of the beholder
“In the eye of the beholder” is an exhibition of human portraits focusing on the everyday heroes involved in the EEA Grants NGO Programme for Greece entitled “…