28 June 2024

Philea re-elected to Social Economy Europe board

Philea has been re-elected to represent the foundation and philanthropy sector on the Social Economy Europe (SEE) board at the SEE General Assembly in Rome on 24 June and will be represented by Lourdes Marquez de la Calleja, Fundación ONCE.

Philea is a founding member of Social Economy Europe and has ensured that the social economy agenda includes the foundation and philanthropy perspective as one of the four social economy families next to associations, mutual societies and co-operatives. The social economy sector in Europe employs 13.6 million people at 2.8 million organisations and forms 8% of the GDP of the EU and Social Economy Europe has been a key actor in pushing the social economy agenda

Spanish Deputy Prime Minister Yolanda Diaz, stated in her intervention at the SEE General Assembly, “the momentum is now: it will be important to ensure that the social economy remains high on the agenda of the new European policy makers.” Philea supports calls for the continuation of the European Parliament Social Economy Intergroup, as well as calls for an EU Commissioner with the mandate to support social economy and ensuring the implementation of the Social Economy Action Plan of 2021 and the Social Economy Council Recommendations of 2023. These recommendations include the introduction of enabling frameworks and overcoming barriers to cross-border philanthropy.


Hanna Surmatz
Head of Policy