From sadness to solidarity: Our message to UK members on the summer riots

It is with great sadness that we are following the terrible scenes unfolding in towns and cities across the UK. In writing to you today, all of us at Philea are moving this dial from sadness to solidarity, and to make it clear to you and all our UK members that we are with you and will support you in any way we can.
In addition to lamenting the devastation, racism, violence, islamophobia and – we maintain – futile attempts to disrupt and destroy our diverse ways of life, we thought we could help amplify your efforts to push back. We have so far come across a few examples of your statements, but if there is anything you would like us to highlight and share on our networks please send them over to us. If you feel that you would like to commit your thinking and actions into words on our website, please also let us know and my colleagues will be only too willing to help.
At the same time, we have also been heartened by the many examples of communities coming together, helping with cleaning and clearing, protecting and providing and standing together in solidarity with their neighbours who are being targeted. These actions, we fully recognise, are very often the result of your ongoing initiatives and support in your local communities and around the country.
If there is anything we can do to help, we are there for you.
Statements from the UK: