22 May 2023

Philea launches most comprehensive report ever on environmental philanthropy across Europe

22 May, 2023 – Today, Philea launched the 6th edition of its mapping, “Environmental Funding by European Foundations”. It is the most comprehensive report that has ever been published on environmental philanthropy across Europe.

Key findings include:

  • The 126 foundations studied made 8,518 environmental grants in 2021, worth a combined €1.6 billion. This is more than double the value of the grants analysed in the previous edition of this research.
  • While €1.6 billion is a significant amount of money, it remains a tiny share of total European foundation giving.
  • The thematic issue category receiving the most funding from the 126 foundations was climate & atmosphere.
  • Philanthropic funding remains very limited for work tackling over-consumption, and for more unpopular behaviour changes including dietary transitions and curbs on flying. Meanwhile funding for “new economy” initiatives including those questioning economic growth is estimated to be just €11.4 million, or 0.7% of the total value of the grants in the dataset.
  • 148 countries benefitted from at least one grant. A total of 6,734 grants, worth €592.1 million, were directed towards projects in Europe (36.8% of the total).
  • Environmental giving still is a tiny share of the total European foundation giving equal to 5%

The report covers topics ranging from thematic focus of environmental grantmaking to geographical distribution to approaches taken by environmental funders. It concludes with issues for foundations to consider as the world reckons with the current environmental and climate crisis.

The report is an initiative of Philea’s European Environmental Funders Group, which acts as a hub for connections for funders and funders’ associations active or interested in the fields of environment and sustainable development.

For more information, contact Giulia Lombardi, Senior Programme Manager – Climate Collaborations, Philea.

View “Environmental Funding by European Foundations: Volume 6”