Philea and wider civil society welcome European Legal Affairs (JURI) Committee proposal for European Association Statute
The European Parliament (EP) Legal Affairs (JURI) Committee proposal for a “A statute for European cross-border associations and non-profit organisations”, initiated by MEP Sergey Lagodinsky, will be discussed and voted upon in the EP plenary on 15/16 February 2022.
The EP JURI report consists of two parts, firstly introducing a new supranational legal form for a European Association, and secondly proposing a common set of minimum standards for non-profit organisations in the EU.
Philea fully agrees with the rapporteur MEP Sergey Lagodinsky when he stated at the end of last year that this report “marks an important step towards better representation of civil society at EU level. While companies could incorporate themselves for decades, civil society still lacks an appropriate legal form. Today’s proposal of a European Association and minimum standards for non-profits in the member states could be a game changer, empowering civil society all over Europe”.
Philea and the wider civil society welcome the timely report in two position papers which can be accessed below. The Philea position paper zooms in on the philanthropy sector, and the civil society position paper, co-signed by Philea, addresses the wider civil society position on the report.
- The full Philea statement can be accessed here.
- The joint civil society position paper, co-signed by Civil Society Europe, Social Services Europe, CEDAG, ECNL and Philea can be accessed here.
- The JURI report can be accessed here.
- The agenda for the European Parliament February plenary session can be found here.