Michael Fembek Opinions - 3 December 2020 Making events accessible is a journey, not a goal Since COVID-19 hit the world in March 2020, the topic of accessible events and gatherings is more important than ever. Most conferences and meetings of all kinds have been re-invented…
Carola Carazzone Opinions - 25 November 2020 Reflecting on 25 years of progress for gender equality – and how far there is to go This blog also appears on the Alliance blog| Image credit: Designed by Freepik Twenty-five years ago, the World Conference on Women in Beijing…
Rick James Opinions - 9 November 2020 “OD – a smart investment to multiply impact”: Learning from five foundations Many foundations are shifting their funding strategies towards core support. But few foundations are yet taking seriously the organisational development of grantees. Now, more than ever, we need to invest…
Anthony T. Silberfeld Opinions - 2 November 2020 Uncivil War in Uncertain Times In 2016, many Americans watched the US presidential campaign with dismay, wondering what had become of our democracy. Little did we know at the time, that the erosion of trust…
Avila Kilmurray Opinions - 26 October 2020 Unseen People, Invisible Viruses and Blind States: Protecting Stateless People in Times of COVID-19 Offered the option of being given one super-power which would you choose: Superhuman strength? Invisibility? The ability to fly? There is one catch though – you cannot control the consequences.
Joanne Rich Opinions - 20 October 2020 My year at The National Lottery Community Fund This time last year I left my Clarion family to embark on the most exciting chapter of my career as Head of Youth Voice at The National Lottery Community Fund.
Filippo Candela Opinions - 10 September 2020 Data in philanthropic foundations: beyond data science In 2019, the Compagnia di San Paolo foundation transformed its organization to reflect the 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals framework. These radical changes were supported by a detailed analysis…
Barry Knight Opinions - 31 July 2020 Supporting communities on the frontlines of conflict “The official advice is that it is too dangerous,” Marina says. She hands me the phone, and I say, “But I have promised to go.” We haggle and eventually reach…
Alberto Durán Opinions - 29 June 2020 That we are living through difficult times is clear for all to see We are facing the most serious socio-economic and health crisis of recent times, as the UN has pointed out in its report “Shared responsibility, global solidarity:…
Lynda Mansson Opinions - 25 June 2020 Adapting in uncertain times This blog was originally published on the MAVA Foundation website on 11 June. Across the world, life as we know it was turned on…
Biba Klomp Opinions - 16 June 2020 Exploring the scope of European media philanthropy How do European foundations engage with journalism? This question cannot be answered as straightforwardly as it might seem. With the exception of a handful of high-profile journalism funders, many European…
Alexandra Zenoff Opinions - 9 June 2020 Strengthening local partnerships to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 on vulnerable populations Many marginalised groups are especially vulnerable during the COVID-19 pandemic. While long-term, structural solutions are critical in addressing the needs of these groups, one approach that can help in providing…