KoneKtor – Philanthropy East Forum
As Philea’s longest running network and the only philanthropic platform focused specifically on issues in central and eastern Europe, this thriving community of Philea members and civil society organisations from across the wider Europe comes together via an annual event, the biggest of its kind in Europe. The forum provides opportunities to learn, reflect and connect in a dynamic, open and grounded space co-created and co-designed by engaged organisations.
Our vision is for philanthropy to stand as stewards of civil society systematically and unanimously, ensure support for social interaction, facilitate citizen empowerment, and promote democracy and fundamental rights in wider Europe.
- Mainstreaming learnings around the development of philanthropy in central and eastern Europe and raising the territorial dimension of advancing philanthropy in the region.
- Raising visibility of innovative and sustainable grantmaking practices in specific territorial contexts.
- Broadening the CEE dimension of Philea’s thematic conversations by diversifying the geographical balance of specific issues.
- Knowledge and innovative practice sharing relevant to the region and the wider European landscape through acting as a reference point for Philea members interested in connecting with the community; and by promoting sustainable grantmaking practices through interactive workshops, sessions and panels at the annual conference, together with a dynamic list of facilitators from diverse backgrounds.
- Increasing visibility of the philanthropic practices, trends and civil society needs of the region towards the larger European philanthropic community, through one of the most influential forums in Europe.
- Networking and stakeholder engagement through working collaboratively with a wide range of professionals and philanthropic practitioners, and nurturing relations with the relevant stakeholders in the field.
How to engage
Join the Steering Committee
This core group of members collaboratively shapes and implements the work plan, making sure that ambitions and resources align. Two Steering Committee members act as chair and vice-chair on a rotating basis of two years, acting as a reference point for the Philea Secretariat. A treasurer is also appointed every two years.
Criteria to join:
- Foundation members of Philea
- An interest and/or expertise in the region, democracy, peace or justice.
- Commitment to contribute human and financial resources
Join the Community
Philea Full Members, civil society organisations, academics and activists are part of the Konektor community and may participate in the activities organised by the core group of funders.
Non-funders can participate in the annual event as speakers and participants, and in information exchange activities. The network’s activities target philanthropic organisations and leverage the multiplier dimension of philanthropic infrastructure organisations to disseminate learnings at the national level.
Steering Committee (Chair, TechSoup, & Vice-Chair, Rockefeller Brothers Fund)
