What if? Reimagining Philanthropy: How Can Funders Ensure that Partnership is the Norm in Efforts to Drive Systems Change?

The 5th What if? Reimagining Philanthropy event “How Can Funders Ensure that Partnership is the Norm in Efforts to Drive Systems Change?” will take place online on 27 October to take a closer look at how philanthropy can embrace partnership as a norm when driving systems change.
There is an increasing recognition that only by supporting and working in partnership across societal sectors can philanthropy achieve transformational change. Philanthropy has the potential to catalyse collective action across sectors, and is uniquely positioned to promote and scale partnerships towards systems change, both by being able to draw on flexible funding and innovative finance models, as well as technical expertise, reputation and influence, and diverse cross-sectoral networks.
What if authentic partnering was a default approach in funders’ effort to drive systems change? What does deep collaboration require? What, and how, needs to change in funding mechanisms and mindsets? How do you partner with diverse stakeholders, work at eye level and challenge skewed power dynamics?
To attend, contact Alina Shenfeldt.