10 October 2022

Webinar – An introduction to the 2022 EU Rule of Law Report: context and opportunities for philanthropy

Philea, Ariadne and Civitates will be jointly holding a webinar on the rule of law and what philanthropy can do to protect it, in Europe and beyond, on 10 October.

Rule of law is one of the six funding values upon which the EU is built, and it is crucial to preserve stable, resilient and fair democratic institutions across the Union. In light of increasing democratic backsliding, the European Commission recently added to its Annual Rule of Law Report tailor made recommendations to each Member State. Countries experiencing constant violations of democratic norms, tend also to shrink civil society and philanthropy space, especially where these actors stand for defending and promoting European values.

This webinar will be an opportunity for funders to dive deep into the issues at stake and their relevance for European philanthropy, get an overview of the main recommendations from the report and discuss how to turn the findings into effective action points for the philanthropic sector.


Hanna Hanses
Policy Manager