SwissFoundations: Swiss Foundation Symposium 2021 – Tous Ensemble
Tous Ensemble (French for ‘all together’) stands for the spirit of cooperation and working together for a more sustainable future. This year’s motto reflects the sense of community of the SwissFoundations members, whose united forces are increasingly spreading and having an impact throughout the sector. Together we will explore and discuss: What are the indicators and levers for successful cooperation? How can foundations play a role as trust-building partners in collaborations? And what future social problems do we need to anticipate for which collaborative solutions are needed?
Working together towards an idea or an ideal – within an organisation, at national level or even on the international stage. This is what we want to kick off at the Symposium 2021. This year’s Philanthropy Congress marks the 20th anniversary of SwissFoundations and is an opportunity to acquire practical knowledge and make new contacts. Together with all participants, you are invited to collaborate #TousEnsemble. Registrations are now open!
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