Philanthropy in Times of Crises
After two years into pandemic, expecting the life to return to something more “normal”, the world’s attention has now shifted to the devastating situation in Ukraine. As we are bouncing from one crisis to another, it is only right that we look at how we can take lessons from previous crises which, in turn, becomes critical to inform the response to the next crisis.
The Philea Knowledge Hub and Grantmakers East Forum, in partnership with ERNOP, are organising a webinar on 10 May, at 14:00-15:30 CET, to bring together the researchers and philanthropic community to take stock of what we have learnt from earlier crises. The webinar will delve into the research on philanthropy’s response to preceding conflicts and disasters and share experiences of philanthropy professionals from conflict regions. By bringing a historical perspective to our thinking this session aim is to help us learn and grow from one crisis to fight another.
To give further insight on this, Bojana Radovanović, Research Associate, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade and Nathan Koeshall, Catalyst Balkans. as well as GEF members Mia Vukojević, Director, Western Balkans Program at Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and Vesna Bajsanski-Agić, Executive Director, Mozaik Foundation, will speak at the event. The webinar will also host Alexandra Williamson, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, ACPNS and Diana Leat, Visiting Research Fellow, ACPNS, co-authors of “Philanthropic Response to Disasters: Fundraising, Grant Making and Regulatory Challenges” to be published in December 2022.