14 July 2021

Organisational Development – from concept to community


The EFC will host a session “Organisational Development – from concept to community” on 14 July, 14:00-15:30, to launch its latest Community of Practice focused on organisational development support.

The event will serve as both a mapping exercise of existing knowledge and practices (gathered in advance via survey) and a visioning exercise for the new community, using the results of the survey and weaving in the lessons already shared by the five foundations who were part of the initial peer learning group.

The aim of the session is to put into motion the first steps required to build a vibrant peer-learning community of foundations that are either, already providing a form of OD and capacity-building support or are considering developing it as an explicit support to their grantees, in whatever form it may take (stand-alone, as a complement to other types of grants, in-kind contribution from foundation staff, etc.).

Register to attend

For more information contact Sevda Kilicalp.