Organisational Development Community of Practice – Learning from failure

The Organisational Development Community of Practice will host “Learning from failure” on 28 April to share and listen to different stories of failure in a safe and trusting environment.
In organisational life things do not always go as planned. However, how can there be growth, learnings or innovation without embracing our own mistakes? When we acknowledge and are open to learning from our failures, we are (in turn) looking to future proof our work. Wayan Vota will guide participants through the session, as well as guiding the 6 “storytellers” from the OD Community as they share an experience of failure from their teams and will encourage further exchanges that will happen in the following breakout rooms. Carole Frampton-de Tscharner, PeaceNexus, and OD Community of Practice Steering Group member, will get things going by sharing a story from her team.
This will be an engaging, fun event where we make clear that sharing experiences of failure is something to be encouraged; not be ashamed of.