European Foundations for Sustainable Agriculture and Food – Transforming Food Systems: Shaping the Future Together

The European Foundations for Sustainable Agriculture and Food (EFSAF) Thematic Network will meet on 19 October in Madrid to convene on the topic “Transforming Food Systems: Shaping the Future Together”.
A lot has happened since EFSAF last met in 2022. The Theory of Transformation is working but we need to confirm, recalibrate (if needed) and agree on what comes next. Are CSOs getting the support they need? Do we have the right narrative? What other actors need added capacity? EFSAF will come together to gain a clear understanding of members’ activities and their respective locations is crucial for effective resource deployment. To foster this comprehension, each working group within EFSAF will provide updates on their activities and present potential opportunities for further advancements. Based on these updates, we will determine our priorities moving forward
The meeting will provide a space to:
- Update on implementation of the Theory of Transformation and understand whether it should be adjusted.
- Explore the appetite for closer alignment in line with CSOs more focused work e.g. on Sustainable Food System Framework Law and Restoration laws.
- Look at how to better lead the narrative on transformation of food and agriculture especially in the context of European Parliament and member state elections.