Democracy Network – Democracy Funders Lunch: Launch of the “2025 Democracy Briefer for Funders”
The Democracy Network will host its next Democracy Funders Lunch online for the “Launch of the “2025 Democracy Briefer for Funders”” on 12 February.
The concept of democratic backsliding has sparked heated debates across the global stage. Is it a serious threat, or is it more of a perceived danger? If it is a real phenomenon, what evidence supports its existence and what does it say about its severity? How can philanthropy strengthen the health of our democracies?
Sevda Kilicalp and Lucia Patuzzi, Philea will guide participants through the brand-new “2025 Democracy Briefer for Funders”, an in-depth explainer commissioned by Philea’s Democracy Network. Drawing from a wide body of evidence from published research, this new report explores the subtle nature of democratic backsliding and its causes, providing a comprehensive understanding of a complex issue. It highlights not only the challenges but also the opportunities to strengthen and revitalise democratic governance and will enable philanthropic organisations to develop appropriate strategies that address this multidimensional challenge.
The Democracy Funders Lunches are a recurring series of no strings attached and camera optional conversations organized by the Democracy Network.