Call for session proposals for Philea Forum 2023
Philea has launched a call for session proposals for the Philea Forum 2023, hosted by the National Foundation for Civil Society Development – Croatia, in Šibenik on 23-25 May, with the aim of asking interested parties to contribute first hand to the content of the Forum.
If you don’t know in which direction you are sailing, then no wind is favourable. Faced with myriad maelstroms from climate change to social inequity, what kind of Europe do we want, and need? What direction should it be heading, and how can philanthropy play a role in steering it with a value- and principles-based approach?
Europe may have an inherently geographic character, but increasingly it is defined by its ideals, values and principles. We often refer to “European values” or the “European way of life”, but do we give sufficient thought to how we define and live up to these values, or how we protect them when they are under threat?
The Philea Forum 2023 will transport more than 700 delegates to the heart of the Euro-Mediterranean region to discuss what such values mean to us, and how philanthropy can use them as compasses to navigate today’s challenges around climate, democracy and equality. The critical role of education and the countdown to the SDGs will also be highlighted. The Forum will provide a diverse and inclusive space for extending the dialogue on how to shape a forward-looking Europe, from international, regional and local perspectives.
How to get involved
The Programme Committee is launching a call for session proposals with the aim of asking interested parties of Philea to contribute first hand to the content of the conference. The Committee will select the majority of the content of the conference through this participative process. The success of the Philea Forum comes from our community.
We invite you to send us your proposal on what you think are the most pressing issues in the fields of Climate, Democracy and Equality, and which fits under one of the four functional tracks: Strategy, Philanthropy toolbox, Collaboration with different stakeholders, and Policy, enabling frameworks and data.
The deadline to submit a proposal is 6 January 2023
We postponed the deadline to 11 January 2023 at 11:00 (CET). Read more here.