
News - 9 July 2024

Philea Forum 2025

The Philea Forum 2025 will take place in Lisbon, Portugal on 3-6 June, hosted by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. More details will follow soon. Contact Marta…
News - 18 June 2024

On the need for strong civil society

More than 40% of the population around the world are eligible to vote this year, but representative democracy, while essential, is not sufficient for lively democracies.
News - 18 June 2024

The EU election results confirm the need to stand up for democracy, rule of law, fundamental rights and civil society space

The EU elections showed that with a large number of Eurosceptic and far-right MEPs entering the European Parliament, there is an urgent need to stand up for the EU, democracy,…
News - 27 May 2024

Funders Forum on International Cooperation Partnerships Commits to Supporting Locally-Led Development

Today, the Funders Forum on International Cooperation Partnerships (FFICP), one of Philea’s thematic networks, and Enabel, the Belgian development cooperation agency, endorsed the…
News - 24 May 2024

How to make a philanthropic effort proportionate to the challenges of our time

On 9 May 1950, Robert Schuman published the Schuman Declaration, which was to change Europe’s destiny. It stated that “World peace cannot be safeguarded without the making of creative efforts…
Press Release - 23 May 2024

Obstacles to cross-border philanthropy are real and the time to remove them is now

Brussels, 23 May 2024 – Today, Philea together with Transnational Giving Europe (TGE) published a collection of real cases of existing obstacles to cross-border philanthropy. “Removing…
News - 16 May 2024

KoneKtor 2024 – Dialogue, Democracy and Diversity

KoneKtor 2024 – Dialogue, Democracy and Diversity Register View the programme…
News - 15 May 2024

Restoring trust and hope in Europe’s future

Rebuilding trust and re-engaging citizens requires a fundamental shift – a renewal of the social contract that places citizens’ hopes, fears, and ideas at the heart of shaping a Europe that works for all.
News - 14 May 2024

Philea issues statement on “Transparency of Foreign Influence” law in Georgia

Philea is deeply concerned by the greenlighting of the so-called “foreign agents” law in Georgia which threatens hundreds of NGOs and media outlets at a time of declining democracy in…
News - 8 May 2024

Community Foundations: The hidden champions of philanthropic climate action

From country-wide endeavours to grassroots efforts, community foundations exemplify a holistic approach to addressing climate change.