Communications Professionals in Philanthropy

This network provides a trusted and safe space for communications professionals from Philea members to strengthen existing relationships with peers and to build new ones, share knowledge and practices and co-develop solutions on issues of common interest.

Focus areas

  • Communication strategies and practice
  • Communicating philanthropy
  • Crisis communications
  • Digital communications
  • Strengthening the communication capacity of partners and grantees



  • Two meetings per year (spring and autumn)
  • Regular learning calls and webinars
  • Online community to support information sharing and ongoing exchange


View the results of the Communications in Professionals in Philanthropy benchmarking survey

Steering Committee (Chair – Maribel Königer, ERSTE Stiftung, Vice-Chair: Charlotte Korsager Winther, The VELUX Foundations)

ERSTE Stiftung
European Cultural Foundation
IKEA Foundation
VELUX Foundations, The
Sparebankstiftelsen DnB

Network background

This initiative has its roots in the informal EFComEx network and builds on a recommendation from the 2015 European Learning Lab on Communications to create a more permanent platform for sharing, learning and networking for communications professionals in Philea’s membership. The network now brings together communications professionals from more than 20 Philea members and growing.


Anthony Pepe
Programme Manager
Become a member