Thank you and best wishes to outgoing EFC Communications Director Catherine Lennon
It is with mixed emotions that we say au revoir to our Communications Director Catherine Lennon, who leaves the EFC after seven years to take up an exciting new opportunity in Brussels.
Catherine joined the EFC in 2014, and set about establishing a more solid strategic approach to our communications work to increase our impact, effectiveness and professionalism. As part of the EFC’s Leadership Team, she played a major role in developing our Strategic Framework (2016-22), as well as taking the lead on external communications with new approaches to the media and sector press.
Under her leadership, the EFC introduced a new, sharper EFC visual and brand identity, accompanied by the launch of new websites and social media channels, and was herself a valued member of the EFC’s Communications Professionals in Philanthropy Network where she will be sorely missed, as she will be by her team and colleagues.
She has played a catalytic role in upgrading and updating EFC communications and strategy, and it simultaneously with heavy heart, gratitude and excitement that we wish her well on her new adventure.
We hope to welcome you back to Philanthropy House soon Catherine!