Registration open for Philea Forum 2023
Registration is now open for the Philea Forum 2023 “A New Compass for Europe: Forged in Crisis, Forward in Hope” in Šibenik from 23 – 25 May, hosted by the National Foundation for Civil Society Development – Croatia.

If you don’t know in which direction you are sailing, then no wind is favourable. Faced with myriad maelstroms from climate change to social inequity, what kind of Europe do we want, and need? What direction should it be heading, and how can philanthropy play a role in steering it with a value- and principles-based approach?
Europe may have an inherently geographic character, but increasingly it is defined by its ideals, values and principles. We often refer to “European values” or the “European way of life”, but do we give sufficient thought to how we define and live up to these values, or how we protect them when they are under threat?
The Philea Forum 2023 will take place in Šibenik, a historic Mediterranean port on Croatia’s Adriatic coast. Ports like Šibenik are more than just cities on the sea ‒ they are historic intersections of people, ideas, cultures and practices. As such, Šibenik will offer a creative haven for philanthropy professionals to plot a new course ‒ given the treacherous seas we are navigating – towards the kind of Europe we want and need.
Amid the compounding crises of the Covid-19 pandemic; climate change; inequality fuelled by an energy and cost of living crisis and mounting tensions between civilisations and worldviews; the world today is at an inflection point. If, in the words of Jean Monnet, “Europe will be forged in crises and will be the sum of the solutions adopted for those crises”, then what kind of Europe do we want to head towards?
Ten years after the accession of Croatia to the EU, the philanthropic community will come together to assess how it can contribute to creating the Europe we need, for the world we want – and this against the backdrop of the most important war on the continent in generations; ahead of the second “SDG Summit”, marking the mid-point in the implementation of the 2030; and one year before the EU elections.
While cross-cutting themes of key interest to the philanthropic community will inform conversations, the programme will be structured around four functional tracks of crucial importance for philanthropy today and tomorrow. This functional approach will allow for a critical analysis of how philanthropy can fully play its part.