Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union: What’s in it for philanthropy
At the beginning of 2025, Poland took over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union for the upcoming six months. With a shifting political landscape and renewed focus on democratic values, Poland’s leadership of the Council of the EU presents an opportunity to influence key European policies, including those impacting civil society and philanthropy.
Poland serves as an example of a European society that is currently trying to restore its rule of law. The Polish civil society space is very active and engaged in fighting for fundamental rights, democracy and the rule of law and it had an impact on a recent shift in the political landscape, with Donald Tusk as current Prime Minister. In May, the country will return to the polls, this time to elect their new President.
This new wind is reflected in the programme of the Polish Presidency, with a focus on fundamental European values, including the rule of law, and emphasising the special role of civil society in building resilience and preparedness for crises. It is also covering the single market and competitiveness and the defence agenda.
Philea is pleased to note that the Presidency has declared it will resume work on a draft Directive on European Cross-Border Associations (ECBA), reinforce the foundations of the Single Market and stimulate private investments in the context of the Competitiveness Council. Furthermore, the role of civil society in protecting the rule of law will be discussed in the General Affairs and Justice and Home Affairs Councils. The Presidency will also work within the Economic and Financial Affairs Council on administrative cooperation in the field of taxation. In the area of employment, social affairs and equality, the Polish Presidency recognises the positive impact of the social economy on the inclusion of groups at risk of labour market exclusion and will further develop the 2024 La Hulpe Declaration and the European Pillar of Social Rights.
The Presidency will host a number of events related to philanthropy and wider civil society, notably on “Civil society as a factor of resilience/preparedness for crisis phenomena in contemporary EU” in June. Polish Philea members, as well as Philea, will take part in these conversations to ensure that philanthropy is represented and benefits from this momentum.
High-level events related to philanthropy:
- Warsaw: High-Level Meeting: Civil Society Facing Complex Crisis Phenomena of the 21st Century | 4-5 February
- Warsaw: Senior Expert Level Conference on the MFF post-2027 | 17 February
- Kraków: Single Market Forum SIMFO | 17 February
- Warsaw: Seminar on the implementation of the anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism legislative package | 27-28 March
- Gdánsk: Civil society as a factor of resilience/preparedness for crisis phenomena in contemporary EU | 9-10 June
- Warsaw: Annual meeting of the presidents and secretaries of the European economic and social networks and similar institutions, as well as the European Economic and Social Committee | 15-26 June