Philea stands in solidarity with the victims of flooding in Spain
All of us at Philea are deeply moved by the tragic events unfolding in Spain, where recent flooding has brought immense devastation to communities. We extend our heartfelt thoughts to the victims and all impacted, including the families and communities, and our hope that they find strength and resilience in this challenging time.
This disaster serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for collective climate action. Philea will continue to champion philanthropy’s contribution to sustainable and effective climate solutions. While some organisations focus on immediate response efforts, we recognize the importance of long-term thinking and transformative change to address the root causes of such crises.
We are also committed to sharing information about the responses undertaken by Philea members, associates and the wider sector as we become aware of them.
GlobalGiving has opened a Spain Flood Relief Fund – Spain Flood Relief Fund
The Horta Sud Community Foundation, based in the affected region, has opened an appeal for donations – Col·labora per ajudar a les persones afectades per la DANA
The “la Caixa” Foundation has donated 5 million euros to those affected by DANA – La Fundación La Caixa destina más de 5 millones a atender a los afectados por la DANA
Fundacion MAPFRE has opened an appeal for donations – ¡Es momento de ayudar a quienes más lo necesitan!
The Fundaciones por el Clima have issued a statement of solidarity with those affected by the floods – Fundaciones por el Clima, con los afectados por la DANA