12 August 2024

Philea launches call for applications for “War and Peace Scenario Planning” learning experiment

Philea has opened a call for applications to join the “War and Peace Scenario Planning” learning experiment that will take place throughout autumn 2024, in collaboration with Centris, the Evens Foundation and Stiftung Mercator Schweiz.

The online learning experiment, developed for philanthropy practitioners, civil society, academia and thinktanks interested in peace, will explore megatrends and key drivers of change. The series will see participants learn the skills to apply basic foresight and futures thinking methods, collaborate to design future scenarios based on critical high-impact uncertainties, rehearse the scenarios and develop a set of concrete recommendations for the philanthropy ecosystem.

Philanthropic organisations can contribute to creating and sharing futures thinking skills. Scenario planning is a powerful tool to imagine different futures and bring together diverse perspectives. It can deliver actionable knowledge for developing robust strategies that philanthropic organisations can apply today.

The learning experiment will consist of three online sessions for 25 participants followed by an in-person event in Brussels on 2 December 2024.

Participation is free of charge however participants will need to commit to attending at least two online sessions out of three. Participation in the in-person event is voluntary.

To attend, please submit an application by 5 September 2024.

This learning experiment has been developed and will be facilitated by Barry Knight, Centris, Joe Elborn, Evens Foundation, David Hesse, Stiftung Mercator Schweiz, Hanna Stähle and Alina Shenfeldt, Philea.


Hanna Stähle
Head of Foresight and Innovation