26 September 2024

Kaleidoskopje – a fresh perspective on building philanthropy infrastructure in North Macedonia

Influenced by the casino culture so prevalent in North Macedonia, I would be prepared to wager that within a few years a new generation of community foundations will be operational across the country. I think this is a safe bet, for having spent a number of days in Skopje and Tetovo, this month, I see they have the will – with an enthusiastic group of people involved, and the way – provided by Konekt with support from USAID.

The ‘Get Together for the Community Programme’, led by Konekt, involves a cohort of seven ‘Local Action Hubs’, from a variety of urban and rural settings across the country. They are being supported through a process to explore how they might unlock the potential of local philanthropy and embrace all the characteristics of a community foundation. Aware of the range of interconnected social, economic and environmental challenges they all recognise the distinct role that a community foundation could play in their localities. This builds on the long-standing and rather unique origins and experience of the Local Community Development Foundation Shtip.

The first gathering of the Local Action Hubs involved project managers and leadership groups (informal boards) along with representatives from municipalities. In addition, there were partners with expertise in citizen engagement processes, and experts responsible for the innovative digital components for both community engagement and crowd funding (this is actually the first application of a wider national digital transformation strategy). The gathering highlighted the value of collective learning and action, where inspiration was drawn not only through hearing from international experience, from ECFI and from a recent study visit to Romania, but also from each other. Their deep dive into the challenges they have in becoming strategic thinkers, connectors and actors and in building the capacity and structures to act as resource providers, rather than users, proved they understand the distinctive role of a community foundation. Whether this leads to some modification of their DNA or the establishment of new institutions, the longer-term aim is to create scalable and replicable models.

The North Macedonian kaleidoscope captures everything from Ottoman to autobahn, polluted cities to beehive air inhalation therapy, and giant tomatoes to Turkish Delight. This multi-ethnic, multi-lingual country is ripe for community foundation development. And, by adopting the motto of the Association of Spanish Foundations’ community foundation development programme, ‘Love where you live’, they aim not only to address contemporary needs, but also to imagine and help create a brighter and more colourful future for all.

ECFI is an initiative, hosted by the Bundesverband Deutscher Stiftungen (Association of German Foundations), committed to promoting and supporting the development of the community foundation movement across Europe.


James Magowan
Coordinating Director of ECFI