Food sustainability: joining forces for a common goal
Our food system cannot feed us all. The world’s population is skyrocketing and climate change is affecting our planet. Facing the challenge of food sustainability is an urgent matter: we must rethink food production, distribution and consumption around the world in the framework of the UN SDGs and the 2030 agenda, searching for concrete and effective solutions.
The coexistence of hunger and obesity, the over-exploitation of natural resources and food waste are the major issues highlighted by the Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition Foundation and the three main pillars of the new “Food Sustainability Index”. This study, representing 87% of the world economy and 72% of the world’s population, was developed by the Economist Intelligence Unit with our foundation in order to underline gaps and best practices in the process toward a more sustainable food system. The research uses 54 qualitative and quantitative key performance indicators in the economic, social and environmental domain.
There is more to good food than just taste. The FSI goes beyond the flavour of food, providing policy makers, academia, the private sector and civil society with a comprehensive tool able to underline top performers and replicable case studies in order to achieve a better food system.
We have to raise awareness on these issues and only by spreading this knowledge to a multi-stakeholder audience will we be able to make informed and sustainable choices on food and nutrition.
We believe media can also play a key role in driving this message. Through the Food Sustainability Media Award, launched in collaboration with the Thomson Reuters Foundation, BCFN wants to recognise professional journalists and emerging talents from around world for their in-depth reporting around issues related to food security, sustainability, agriculture and nutrition, promoting dialogue and making the topic of food sustainability more approachable and understandable to the general public. A prestigious judging panel will select the best contributions to reward with a cash prize (published content) or a professional journalism course (unpublished).
The new generations, as leaders of tomorrow, are key for our foundation. The Research Grant BCFN YES! calls on PhDs and Post Doctoral researchers to present their projects aiming at improving the sustainability of the food system. Finalists of the previous editions created the BCFN Alumni Association, a young network of researchers from all over the word constantly involved in our research and dissemination activities.
Applications have recently been opened for the media award and BCFN YES!.
Food Sustainability is a challenge to be faced all together. Spread the voice and get in touch with us!

Project Manager, Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition Foundation