The Plastic Solutions Fund
Our major areas of expertise are advocacy and movement building. Our distinguishing characteristic would be our practically unique philanthropic approach to ending plastic pollution. We focus on systemic change, we strongly believe a lasting and working solution for the crisis means turning off the plastics tap for good. We support production reductions, single-use-plastic phase out, economies of reuse, strong toxic chemical prohibitions and regulation, environmental justice for all people and animals affected throughout the plastics supply chain, among other lasting solutions for the problem.
Reduce the impact of plastic pollution on ocean and terrestrial ecosystems and human health by helping achieve a world with a regenerative and distributive economy where the production and consumption of plastic products and packaging lie within planetary and social boundaries.
Geographic Focus
Primarily, the US, Europe and Asia. We also fund strategic grants in Latin America and Africa.Programme Areas
The PSF centres its work in two groups of programme areas: Priority Initiative and Power Building. The first is related to subjects and opportunities we believe are in need of direct support from us (petrochemical development opposition, sachets prohibitions, economies of reuse). The second area is related to indirect support we give out to enhance the strength of allied organisations and movements, particularly Break Free From Plastic (BFFP), who we have supported practically since inception. Today there are no global discussions on plastic pollution where BFFP is not involved (to different degrees), and the PSF’s support is crucial to keep that going.