Stichting Fonds 1818 Riviervismarkt 4 2313 AM The Hague Netherlands

Stichting Fonds 1818

Fonds 1818 was established in its present form in 1992. It is a private, non-profit organisation created to make donations to projects of general interest in the area around The Hague in the Netherlands. In doing so, the foundation operates closely in line with the ideals of its predecessors, the original Dutch savings banks at the beginning of the 19th Century.


To support projects that contribute to the maintenance and improvement of a liveable Dutch society, aimed at a sustainable future.

Geographic Focus

The Hague, Delft, Zoetermeer, Leiden, Noordwijk and surrounding area

Programme Areas

The foundation makes donations to specific projects in the following areas:

• Youth
• Culture
• Nature and the environment
• Health
• Social projects

Stichting Fonds 1818 Social Media