Internews Europe 13-14 Angel Gate EC1V 2PT London United Kingdom

Internews Europe

Internews was founded in 1982 in San Francisco. In September 1995, Internews Europe is founded in Paris, and in 2013 relocates its European headquarter in London.


At Internews, we believe everyone deserves trustworthy news and information to make informed decisions about their lives and hold power to account. We train journalists and digital rights activists, tackle disinformation, and offer business expertise to help media outlets become financially sustainable. We do all of this in partnership with local communities – who are the people best placed to know what works. We support independent media in 100 countries, from radio stations in refugee camps, to hyper-local news outlets, to individual activists and reporters. We’ve helped our partners reach millions of people with quality, local information that saves lives, improves livelihoods, and holds institutions accountable.

Programme Areas

Media developments, independent media, journalism, news & information, environment, health, humanitarian, digital society, business media, global technology, governance & transparency, gender equality

Internews Europe Social Media