Jesper Nygård Opinions - 16 May 2019 What has (and hasn’t) changed in the EFC and the sector in the past 30 years? The most striking change during the last three decades has been the growth of the sector. It is indeed a golden age for philanthropy. We see an increasing number of…
Andrea Silvestri Opinions - 15 May 2019 Making Innovation become Social Change: A role – and a new profile – for Foundations in the next few years In the first decade of this century many European foundations, among them the Italians, saw social innovation as the added value they could provide to their communities. The process included…
Carol Mack Opinions - 14 May 2019 Back to the future: Questions for foundations 1989 – What a time to be alive! The Berlin Wall came down. The Cold War was pronounced over. It felt as if we had entered a bright new future,…
Christina Lambropoulou Opinions - 13 May 2019 Philanthropy: Creating impact in a constantly changing, interconnected world As we contemplate the future of effective philanthropic work, one of the main obstacles that the sector must navigate is, paradoxically, the good feeling that the work of helping others…
Rien van Gendt Opinions - 13 May 2019 EFC: indispensable partner in the ecosystem of philanthropy Amazing to realise that this year it is 30 years ago that, following the fall of the Berlin Wall, the EFC was created. I have participated 29 times in the…
Henrik Lehmann Andersen Opinions - 8 May 2019 Nordea-fonden expands its focus to promote civic participation This article has been adapted from the original in Danish by Sune Holm Pedersen and includes key lessons learned Denmark has a strong democratic…
Scott Heimlich Opinions - 6 May 2019 Talent is Universal – Opportunity is Not So true. This point was eloquently driven home by the story of the eight-year-old homeless refugee who just won the New York State Chess Championship. We need…
Jennifer Clarke Opinions - 15 April 2019 Increasing impact and visibility through non-financial support The crisis in Greece prompted us to fundamentally rethink our strategy and how we could best meet the growing social needs for the finite resources of the…
Tom Butcher Opinions - 8 March 2019 The Zero Project – Evolution of an inclusive conference At the end of February, we held our eighth annual Zero Project Conference and our sixth at the United Nations in Vienna, Austria. Its theme, and that of the research…
Inga Wachsmann Opinions - 20 February 2019 The fruits of funder cooperation: learnings from the EFC’s European Foundations for Sustainable Agriculture and Food (EFSAF) network EFSAF is an EFC network of European foundations who cooperate at European level to empower civil society engaged in shifting European agricultural and food policies towards more sustainability. EFSAF members…
Andrew McCracken Opinions - 23 January 2019 Now is the perfect time for a Citizens’ Assembly The Community Foundation for Northern Ireland has a long track record of supporting innovative community initiatives. Since 1979, the Foundation has awarded over £100 million in grants to…
Kalle Korhonen Opinions - 11 January 2019 Human-animal relations increase collaboration between humanities, social sciences and environmental sciences Kone Foundation, based In Helsinki, Finland, funds research in humanities, social sciences, environmental sciences, as well as artistic research, but since we appreciate crossdisciplinarity, we consider…