Katja Fausser Programme Director of EUSTORY, Körber-Stiftung Gabriele Woidelko Head of the History and Politics Department, Körber-Stiftung Opinions - 28 April 2022 History at War When Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February, and thus started the first full-fledged war against an independent nation state in Europe since the end of WWII, another war had already been going on for a long time.
Delphine Moralis Incoming CEO, Philea Opinions - 4 April 2022 Two years on, still not making drama out of crises How do we make lessons from the past two years be part of a sustainable reset, a roadmap to recovery for something healthier, more equal, and more inclusive?
Isabelle Schwarz Head of Public Policy, European Cultural Foundation Opinions - 4 April 2022 War in Europe: What can philanthropy do? When it comes to war in Europe, what can philanthropy do? The short answer is: quite a lot.
Ignacio Packer Executive Director, International Council of Voluntary Agencies - ICVA Opinions - 1 April 2022 Join the dots and fill the gaps Six key priorities on working in response to the Ukrainian crisis, shaped by and accountable to crisis-affected populations.
Annegret Wulff Managing Director, MitOst Opinions - 31 March 2022 The Role of Philanthropy in Crises In this darkest time of war, we feel a strong call to help and support, to #standwithukraine. This war is an attack of the Russian army on Ukraine. And this…
Mihaela Giurgiu Peer-learning Expert, ECFI Opinions - 28 March 2022 Community philanthropy, or what it means to be a good neighbour in times of war Despite not being trained for it, when your house is on fire your neighbours are the closest and fastest help available.
Hanna Stähle Philea Opinions - 24 March 2022 Human lives vs. state interests: Why we need a feminist foreign policy to ensure lasting peace and stability “Sometimes I feel afraid, but my work gives me strength. I want to stay in Ukraine and support civil society in the best possible ways,” says Eugenia Mazurenko, CEO of…
Lourdes Márquez Social and International Relations, Fundación ONCE Opinions - 9 March 2022 The value of Social Economy Social economy organisations are entities that give priority to social and environmental objectives and reinvest most of their profits in themselves. In Europe, 2.8 million social economy organisations employ 13.6…
Georgia Efremova Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission Opinions - 28 February 2022 Philanthropy in the EU: Giving Europe a brighter future, together Philanthropy is an integral part of the social economy landscape in Europe. The European Commission’s recently published Social Economy Action Plan gives a new impetus to the strategic engagement…
Ilaria d'Auria Philea Opinions - 7 February 2022 Thematic Networks: reshaping ambitions, rethinking collaboration Foundations always had numerous opportunities to come together at the EFC, one of the most important being via the Thematic Networks. Together with the Communities of Practice and…
Sevda Kilicalp Philea Opinions - 4 February 2022 Betwixt and between: Banking foundations bridging legacy and better futures, societal and market forces In 2021 the EFC co-organised a couple of peer exchanges together with Nordea-Fonden to create a space for foundations of banking origin to share experiences, challenges,…
Biray Bensu De Meulemeester Philea Opinions - 28 January 2022 280 – 217 – 01.07 The title of this article consists of numbers ‒ simple numbers, however, with deeper and sadder meanings. According to the annual report published by a women’s…