Philea Virtual Library
Philea curates this publicly-available, fully-searchable collection of more than 1,000 free-to-download publications on philanthropy and foundations.
It includes publications, mappings, reports and other documents about the European philanthropy sector; trends and developments emerging from the membership; the management of philanthropic organisations; and the areas they are involved in and support.
The content of Philea’s library is curated to surface knowledge that members will find useful, and we are continuously adding new resources published by our members, as well as resources they suggest for inclusion. The library is part of Philea’s commitment to knowledge sharing and giving visibility to the work of our members.
Philea’s Virtual Library is hosted by IssueLab, a service of Candid (created from the merger of the Foundation Centre and GuideStar) to make social sector knowledge available online.
Philea members – Add your publications to the library!
Are you a Philea member with publications, reports or papers you would like to share with your peers? Do you have suggestions for knowledge produced by other organisations that you think should be added? If so, click on the “suggest report” button on the home page of the library or get in touch with Isabelle Piette.
Once recorded in the Philea library, a publication is automatically added to the global IssueLab network, making it available to an extended audience, including users of Worldcat, the catalogue used by tens of thousands of libraries across the globe.
Find more through our Research Service
To complement resources found in the Philea Virtual Library, Philea staff in the Knowledge and Intelligence unit are available to answer members’ research requests. Visit our Research Service page to make your request!