Fondazione CRT opens up Officine Grandi Riparazioni to house temporary hospital
Fondazione CRT is opening up parts of the Officine Grandi Riparazioni to house a temporary hospital for sub-intensive therapy for approximately COVID-19 100 patients.
The Officine Grandi Riparazioni, an important part of Turin’s industrial heritage that is today a centre for contemporary culture, innovation and business acceleration in Turin, will see parts of the complex converted and utilised for medium to low level treatment.
The Secretary General of Fondazione CRT and Chair of the EFC, Massimo Lapucci stated:
“In this difficult and dramatic emergency caused by COVID-19, today the OGR – Officine Grandi Riparazioni di Torino is asked to repair the most precious asset, people’s health, and it is our duty to contribute to make this happen as quickly and effectively as possible.
We promised that the OGR in Torino would not be afraid to transform and shape themselves for the common good. For this reason, with responsibility and pride, we are ready to make them into Health Workshops at the service of the community, in the hope that we can all soon leave this emergency behind us and return to repair stronger and more determined ideas than before”.