What if? Reimagining philanthropy – Shifting funding practices: New paradigms to meet the biggest challenges of our times

The next What if? Reimagining philanthropy event will take place on 22 March, looking at “Shifting funding practices: New paradigms to meet the biggest challenges of our times”.
There is growing awareness among funders about how deeply funding practices impact the power, voice, resilience and creativity of the communities they serve. Civil society organisations and activists require mission-oriented, flexible and long-term core support. However, mainstream funding practices still remain short-term and project-restricted.
What if philanthropy reimagined its funding practices and provided the real support that local communities and civil society organisations need to deliver change? What if funders engaged in new, more participatory ways of giving, based on trust and shared vision?
Lauren Bradford, Founding Partner, Radical Flexibility Fund, Carola Carazzone, Secretary General, Assifero, Karin Haselböck, Head of Strategic Planning, Ashoka Europe, Delphine Moralis, incoming CEO, Philea, and Olga Tarasov, Knowledge Director, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors will all feature as speakers at the event.