Transformative Philanthropy in Transitions – A Practice Lab

Philea is hosting “Transformative Philanthropy in Transitions – A Practice Lab” in collaboration with Bikubenfonden, and co-designed with Cassie Robinson and Jesper Christiansen, on 23-24 March, in Philanthropy House, Brussels.
The purpose of the lab is to bring together a group of funding organisations around exploring and stepping into a different philanthropic response to the challenges of our time. Participants will exchange peer practice in terms of the changing roles and responsibilities of philanthropic organisations, different ways of designing funding strategies that are commensurate with the challenges we face, and ways of bringing more experimentation into foundation work.
Building on insights, relationships and lessons learned from a series of online sessions on Imagination, Regeneration, and Foresight, as well as the general mapping of key development questions in European philanthropy, we will aim to combine different design elements: sharing peer practice and exploring what might lie ahead for foundations as they shift their strategies and practices. We will also invite external speakers to share innovative practice and as a group interrogate both the strategic and practical potential and implementation of these.
Participation to the practice lab is by invitation-only for funders.