Social Economy: The future of Europe

Social Economy Europe will host “Social Economy: The future of Europe” on 5-6 May in Strasbourg.
The two day conference will be an opportunity for decision makers and actors on the ground to discuss and exchange views on the role the social economy should play in the future of the European Union, based on the European Commission’s action plan for the social economy, part of the new path to accelerate transitions.
Philea will co-organise a session on 5 May at 18:00-19:30 on “European statute for cross-border associations and foundations: what are the opportunities?” with a panel including Mathias Maucher, Social Services Europe, Mathieu de Poorter, CEDAG, Martin Bobel, Le Mouvement Associatif, Jean Marc Roirant, Civil Society Europe, and representatives from Philea.
The event is co-organised with the French Presidency of the European Union, the French Ministry of the Economy, Finance and the Recovery, the city and Eurométropole of Strasbourg, the European Commission, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions and the European Collectivity of Alsace and presented under the label “French Presidency of the EU”.