2 December 2021  -  3 February 2022
Vienna, Austria

Philanthropy Needs Volunteering: Event for Professionals – International Volunteer Day 2021

What role can volunteering play for philanthropy? What synergies does this create? Not only do foundation experts have their say in answering these questions, former senior experts also share their personal stories of what motivates them to do voluntary work and how this impacts their life.You will hear from Senior Experts of Jugend Eine Welt, who have expertise in global development cooperation projects, which are part of the “Senior Experts Austria” programme.

Foundations will be inspired by ideas for volunteering in the philanthropy sector as well as benefit from exchange of experience and contacts.

The event will be held in German.

If you would like to registrer, please send an email to office@gemeinnuetzig-stiften.at (limited number of places).

Detailed information and invitation will be sent ahead of the event.

The event is co-organised by Der Verband für gemeinnütziges Stiften, Jugend Eine Welt, and POK Pühringer Privatstiftung.