Legal barriers to cross-border philanthropy in Europe
This workshop is open to researchers and practitioners interested in legal barriers to cross-border philanthropy in
Europe and possible responses to them.
Participants are invited to three consecutive sessions on the afternoon of July 3rd that will be held at the University of Basel, Kollegienhaus, Petersplatz 1, 4051 Basel. Lunch will be provided beforehand at the Mensa at the University of Basel, Bernoullistrasse 16, 4056 Basel.
• Lunch, 11:45-12:45
• Session One: European Regulatory Measures (including European company law), 13:00-14:15
Oonagh B. Breen, UCD Sutherland School of Law (moderator)
Dominque Jakob, Universität Zürich
Wino Van Veen, Vrije Universiteit Amersterdam
• Break, 14:15-14:30
• Session Two: Taxation (including country variations in tax benefits provided to nonprofits and funders
operating across borders), 14:30-15:45
Lloyd Hitoshi Mayer, University of Notre Dame (moderator)
Giedre Lideikyte-Huber, Université de Genève
Hanna Surmatz, European Foundation Centre
Anne-Laure Paquot, Transnational Giving Europe
• Break, 15:45-16:00
• Session Three: Emerging Issues (including both European and country-specific measures), 16:00-17:15
Hanna Surmatz, European Foundation Centre (moderator)
Francesca Fanucci, European Center for Not-for-Profit Law
Isabel Peñalosa-Esteban, Spanish Association of Foundations
• Wrap-up and concluding remarks, 17:15-17:30
• Free time, 17:30-20:00
• Pre-Main Conference Get-Together, 20:00
There is no charge for attending, but participants are asked to register at
This workshop is organised by Prof. Oonagh Breen from the University College Dublin, Prof. Lloyd Mayer from the University of Notre Dame (US), and Hanna Surmatz from the European Foundation Centre.
The workshop is financially made possible through Notre Dame Law School.