ISTR 15th International Conference – Navigating In Turbulent Times: Perspectives and Contributions from the Third Sector
The 15th ISTR International Conference will take place from 12-15 July in Montreal, exploring “Navigating In Turbulent Times: Perspectives and Contributions from the Third Sector”.
The conference will celebrate 30 years of the ISTR community and we look forward to hosting the first in-person international conference for researchers and practitioners in the third sector to reunite and learn from each other since 2018. The evolving pandemic offers the opportunity to reform institutions, reshape discourses and rebuild trust and identities. The third sector once again plays a critical role in these processes and public discussions.
Philea will be moderating a roundtable on “The state of European philanthropy research, data philanthropy, and foundation-academia collaborations” with Hilary Pearson, philanthropy consultant, Maja Spanu, Fondation de France, Renato Roda, Compagnia di San Paolo, Pamala Wiepking, Lilly Family School of Philanthropy and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Sevda Kilicalp, Philea.
The roundtable will feature European foundations engaged in philanthropy research through providing research funding, playing a bridge role, investing in research infrastructure and sharing data, to exemplify how philanthropic organizations bring with them not just capital but also competences and unique perspectives contributing to knowledge building. The speakers will reflect on the state of philanthropy research in Europe, major sectoral data gaps and philanthropy professionals’ knowledge needs, which can provide researchers with unique insights for shaping their research agendas.