Imagining the future of philanthropy research
The EFC is co-organising “Imagining the future of philanthropy research” a session on 30 June looking to provide philanthropic organisations and researchers with a chance to discuss how best to leverage valid criticism, evidence and data, with Compagnia di San Paolo, Dafne, and ERNOP.
The webinar, the first in a series of two, will be held in preparation for the International Conference on the Research on Philanthropy organised by Compagnia di San Paolo in collaboration with Dafne, ERNOP, and the EFC in Turin on 3-4 March 2022. This larger initiative aims to explore the common opportunities and challenges for foundations and the European research community and to identify possibilities for closer dialogue. The two webinars have been planned to “pave the way” for the Conference, allowing four of the Conference’s main speakers to share their approaches and gather reflections from a selected group of researchers and foundation practitioners.
This event is by invitation only.
For more information contact Sevda Kilicalp.