30 July 2020  -  31 July 2020

Fight for a shared future | Sino-Euro dialogue on civil society’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic

Civil society organisations (CSOs) have been in the frontline of the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. In China, CSOs raised funds and organised volunteers to deliver essential supplies to hospitals, community workers and vulnerable groups during the lockdown. In Europe, CSOs are at the centre of combating disinformation and defending citizens’ rights.

Post pandemic, civil societies are at the frontline once again, taking urgent action to meet people’s needs, to save our planet and to build a fairer and resilient world.

As the crisis has re-enforced the interdependence of the world, this online dialogue aims to share experience and thoughts, find inspiration and build potential for collaboration during and post COVID-19 era between Chinese and European civil society organisations.

Sevda Kilicalp, the EFC’s Policy and Incubation Manager, will present the results of the EFC survey on philanthropy’s response to COVID-19 during the 3rd session on 31 July.

Visit the website for more information and to register


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