Exploring the State of Rule of Law in the EU – Insights from the 2023 EU Rule of Law Report and Perspectives from European Philanthropy
Ariadne and Philea will co-host a webinar “Exploring the State of Rule of Law in the EU – Insights from the 2023 EU Rule of Law Report and Perspectives from European Philanthropy” on 5 October.
Rule of law is in danger not only when a government directly undermines judicial independence as observed in Poland, or when media independence is being eroded as in Hungary, but also when it makes it impossible for civil society to scrutinise a government’s actions. Limitations to the rule of law appear to often go hand in hand with restrictions on civil society space (including philanthropy space), erosion of fundamental rights and democratic backsliding.
This webinar will feature Sara Vassalo Amorim, Policy Officer, DG Justice and Consumers, Linda Ravo, Senior Advocacy Consultant, Civil Liberties Union for Europe, Veronika Mora, Director, Ökotars – Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation and Mira Luthe-Xu, Project Manager, Stiftung Mercator shedding light on the European Commission’s fourth edition of the annual rule of law report looking at the situation in the 27 Member States. It will dive into the pivotal trends highlighted within, and offer space for representatives from European philanthropy to share their initiatives aimed at bolstering civil society, protecting civic space and maintaining rule of law. It will also discuss how civil society can engage more in country specific action.