EuroPhilantopics 2023: Partnering for Democracy, Equality and Climate

EuroPhilantopics 2023 will take place on 29 November, bringing policymakers and representatives of philanthropy together to explore “Partnering for Democracy, Equality and Climate” in Brussels.
As democratic values erode across the world and in Europe, the upcoming European Parliament elections are coming at a crucial time. Philanthropy has an essential role to play in convening civil society and bringing in communities’ knowledge through civil dialogue with the EU institutions. In this context, Philea will launch its updated Philanthropy Manifesto at EuroPhilantopics 2023, with recommendations to policymakers on how to fully unleash the potential of European philanthropy.
This flagship event will bring together the European philanthropy ecosystem and representatives from EU institutions to discuss how to defend core European values, based on the rule of law, fundamental rights, and democratic institutions that work for people and planet, leaving no one behind.