European Environmental Funders Group – Strengthening Environmental Philanthropy in Central and Eastern Europe: The Western Balkans

The European Environmental Funders Group will meet on 22 May in Šibenik, Croatia, just before the Philea Forum 2023 to explore “Strengthening Environmental Philanthropy in Central and Eastern Europe: The Western Balkans”.
Open to funders willing to engage and explore potential collaborations with peers on environmental-related issues, and seizing the opportunity of the Philea Forum, the EEFG has decided to spark a long awaited and needed exchange on the mobilisation of environmental philanthropy in central and eastern Europe, with a focus on the Western Balkans. Findings from the bi-annual ‘Environmental funding by European Foundations’ report released by the EEFG, highlight that environmental grantmaking provided by European-based foundations is distributed in a very uneven way, with Central and Eastern Europe receiving a very small share of funding relative to countries in Western Europe. This pattern, which results in part from where foundations are registered, has been a persistent feature so far in each edition of this research from 2015 to now.
This meeting is to be the first step towards a more extensive conversation on strengthening the philanthropic and CSOs sector working on environment and agricultural issues in the area.
To attend contact Giulia Lombardi.