1 July 2020

EPC Online Policy Dialogue – Reimagining philanthropy’s role after COVID-19: Towards a more resilient Europe

The European Policy Centre is pleased to invite you to this on-line Policy Dialogue, moderated by Jacki Davis.

For the philanthropic sector the COVID-19 crisis carries considerable risks but also opportunities to protect the social fabric in Europe, enhance cross-border cooperation and support public-private initiatives. In a time of major economic recession, philanthropy can play a key role. It can help bridge the gap in public provision by supporting different sectors in need with, for example, medical and food aid, social assistance or research. At the same time, some philanthropic bodies have been directly affected by the financial uncertainty and parts of the population are sceptical about the role of philanthropy.

Against this background, this online discussion will take stock and discuss future prospects in the philanthropic sector in the light of the COVID-19 crisis. What risks and opportunities has the COVID-19 crisis thrown up? What has been the experience of the last months and how can cross-border philanthropy be enhanced? Is there a role for public-private initiatives between philanthropy and government at the European level? Can we foresee new forms of cooperation in the philanthropic sector? How can philanthropy evolve in a populist and “philanthrophobic” environment?

  • Jean-Eric Paquet (Director General for Research and Innovation, European Commission)
  • Anna Julia Donath MEP (Renew Europe Group, Hungary)
  • Angel Font (Chair of the European Foundation Centre, Corporate Director of Scientific Research at “la Caixa” Foundation)
  • Dr. Oonagh B. Breen (Professor of Law, University College Dublin, Ireland)
  • Janis Emmanouilidis (Director of Studies, European Policy Centre)
  • Jacki Davis (Meade Davis Communications (Moderator))

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