21 November 2019

EFC Gender Equality Network workshop – Learning Journeys

The EFC’s Gender Equality Network will be holding a workshop ”Learning Journeys” on 21 November in Philanthropy House, Brussels, for participants to share their learning journeys in applying gender mainstreaming principles.

The workshop will encourage funders to share their learning journeys in applying gender mainstreaming principles to organisational operations, culture and strategies; and to share how, in many cases, this process has led them to look at broader issues of diversity beyond gender. The facilitator will support funders by suggesting tools, resources and frameworks available to initiate, implement and sustain internal gender and diversity mainstreaming processes. The session will aim to enable funders to anticipate challenges, develop successful strategies and mainstream gender and diversity in a meaningful way to harmonise the principles governing internal operations and external work.

The workshop takes place following a joint meeting between the EFC’s Disability Thematic Network and Gender Equality Network that will provide its participants with the opportunity to come together, share and learn on crosscutting issues of common interest and joint action on 20 November in Brussels. Participants of the workshop are welcome to join the joint meeting.

For further information visit the dedicated event website or contact Sevda Kilicalp.