30 March 2023

Democracy Network – Question Time: Democracy Brown Bag Lunch 3

The Democracy Network will host the third in a series of brown bag lunches online on 30 March offering participants free reign to ask questions from peers working on funding democracy.

With no prearranged topic, instead everyone will have the opportunity to freely ask peers questions regarding funding democracy. Are you facing certain issues regarding funding democracy, and you could use some advice? Are you new to funding democracy and looking for some entry points? Or perhaps you feel that certain topics were left untouched, and require attention?

All democracy lunches are held on Teams and are camera optional. The goal of each lunch is to casually get to know other foundations in the field of democracy, to develop a mutual understanding on current practices and stimulate discussions on learning needs that will shape Philea’s relaunch of the Democracy Network from mid-2023 onwards.

This event is for foundations and funders only.


Nils Luyten
Programme Manager – Democracy Collaborations