23 November 2023

Democracy Network – Democracy Brown Bag Lunch – Insights ahead of the EU Elections 2024

The Democracy Network will host its next Democracy Brown Bag Lunch on the “EU Elections 2024” online on 23 November.

The Global Strategic Communications Council (GSCC) polled 24,025 people across 24 EU countries on the European Parliament elections 2024. What are the predictions? Will we get a functioning collaborative parliament or one stuck with an intransient blocking minority? What are the key demographics in which countries? Joe Elborn, Evens Foundation, will present insights from GSCC’s polling in a session on how the findings can inform philanthropy’s work ahead of the elections.

The Democracy Brown Bag Lunches are a series of online conversations that offer funders an informal way to connect, learn from each other’s practices and share strategies.


Nils Luyten
Programme Manager – Democracy Collaborations