Data on Philanthropy – by us, for us: Taxonomies for European Philanthropy

The next Data on Philanthropy – by us, for us session with ERNOP will take place on 28 March exploring “Taxonomies for European Philanthropy”.
How do foundations in Europe go about reporting their activities in a consistent and transparent way, while also being able to compare them with each other? How do researchers and philanthropy support organisations collect and analyse data on philanthropic grants across Europe? How do they use this data to identify trends, gaps, and opportunities for collaboration? Consistent, representative data about philanthropic organisations and grants is missing at the European level. This can be attributed to the contextual differences across the countries of Europe, reflecting the diversity of philanthropy in Europe. There are already some efforts, such as mapping grants in thematic areas, but huge gaps remain in the puzzle.
The session will bring together academics and practitioners, to collectively explore various overarching questions such as: does institutional philanthropy in Europe need a common taxonomy; what were the previous attempts to create a taxonomy like and did they pave the way for standardisation; and what new technologies and resources could provide opportunities for creating a common taxonomy? Rene Bekkers, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, will moderate a discussion wtih Aline Freiburghaus, SwissFoundations and Georg von Schnurbein, Center for Philanthropy Studies, University of Basel, to explore.