Data on philanthropy – by us, for us
Philea, in collaboration with the European Research Network On Philanthropy (ERNOP), will host the first webinar of a new series focussing on data on philanthropy in Europe, and how we as a sector use it, on 24 February, featuring two national case studies from Ukraine and Serbia.
There has been substantial progress towards gathering more complete national data on philanthropy across Europe. Philanthropic organisations are getting a better handle on filling the data void. Philea is launching a new webinar series to showcase some of the fascinating research from our members, celebrate their accomplishments, and offer the philanthropic community an inside look at these studies.
The series seeks to contribute towards the better sharing of data, research and knowledge across the philanthropy ecosystem in Europe. Each session will focus on a different theme and country case study, yet all of them will provide a space for sharing lessons learned, challenges faced, and best practices related to data collection at a national level.
The webinar will present encouraging data on the growth of philanthropy in Ukraine and Serbia and shine a bright and positive light on the exciting things that are occurring in their philanthropy sectors. In the years prior to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, there was an increasing trend of giving in Serbia and the entire Western Balkans region. Nevertheless, the unprecedented circumstances imposed by the pandemic generated a record of donations that had never been recorded before. There was also a similar trend in Ukraine too. The pandemic, lockdown, and sudden transition to online activities, have made their adjustments to the usual course of life and positively changed the landscape of philanthropy.
Vuk Vuković, Research and Analysis Manager, Catalyst Balkans will present two studies: “Giving Serbia 2020” and “Philanthropy in Times of Crisis”. Liubov Rainchuk, Head of Program Department, Zagoriy Foundation will be sharing findings from the study “Charitable giving as viewed by Ukrainians in 2021”, an in-depth analysis of how people engage in charitable giving and why they help others. They will be joined by Svitlana Bakhshaliieva, Zagoriy Foundation and Miloš Janković, Serbian Philanthropy Forum, during a Q&A session. ERNOP Research Chair, Rene Bekkers, from the Center for Philanthropic Studies at VU Amsterdam will also speak at the closing.